What are Partial Dentures?
Living with missing teeth will compromise your oral health. If you have multiple missing teeth, the problems magnify. A removable partial denture is the most economical way to replace lost teeth and restore your smile.
New You Dentures™ Difference
You're probably here because you already wear dentures and are looking for a better solution, or your teeth have deteriorated to a point that you know dentures are going to be in your future.
Are Clear Braces Right for Me?
Six Month Smiles yields a successful orthodontic outcome of straighter teeth in a fraction of the time. Clear braces, such as Six Month Smiles, employ low-force straightening techniques.
Our Philosophy on Cosmetic Dental Treatments
Have you always wanted to have a great looking smile? Has tooth decay, injury, lifestyle, or age left you dissatisfied with the way your teeth appear? If so, let Advanced Dentistry of Amarillo improve your smile through our comprehensive program of cosmetic dentistry.
Orthodontics is About More than just Straight Teeth
New advances in orthodontic science mean that the whole facial appearance is treated and improved, not just the teeth. Ideal esthetic jaw and facial development can be triggered and controlled by stimulation in the correct areas.
Unparalleled Treatment of TMJ Pain & Dysfunction
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) dysfunction, or TMD, includes chronic pain, clicking, popping, or locking that affects one or both jaw joints’ ability to function correctly. TMD can cause excessive wearing down of the teeth, severe facial pain, and relentless headaches.
Trouble Getting Numb for Dental Treatment?
Achieving complete numbness for dental treatment is extremely important for patient comfort. TUMS antacid can help!